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black and white photo of a Ferris Wheel

October 20, 2014

Technology and energy leaders to meet at Canada 3.0 2014

Energy and technology leaders will gather at the Canada 3.0 conference in Calgary Oct. 28-30 to discuss how their industries can benefit from greater collaboration. This edition of Canada 3.0, the 6th annual such event, will be held at Calgary’s BMO Centre.

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crop in a field

October 14, 2014

Why the energy sector must overcome barriers to innovation

It’s no secret that if Canada’s energy sector wants to meaningfully reduce its environmental footprint, it, will have to lean heavily on technological improvements to boost efficiency and decrease the intensity of emissions.

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air balloons flying over a canyon

September 30, 2014

Call for Canada 3.0 participants

Dawn Farrell, President & CEO of Trans Alta, Suzanne West, President & CEO of Imaginea Energy and Tom Jenkins, Chairman of OpenText will be amongst the energy and technology sector leaders who will be Building the technology supply chain for the energy industry at this years Canada 3.0 conference.

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black and white blurry photo of people walking on stairs

September 12, 2014

CDMN announces tech startups to attend Canada 3.0

The Canadian Digital Media Network is pleased to announce the technology startups selected to attend the Canada 3.0 Conference October 28 to 30 at the BMO Centre in Calgary. The companies selected are early stage with products related to the energy sector.

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old school light blub

September 09, 2014

The key to cracking the energy supply chain: relationships

It’s one thing to come up with a great idea. It’s another to actually get it to market. That’s doubly true when it comes to the oil and gas sector, where a complex and often opaque supply chain make it difficult for entrepreneurs to know how and where to pitch their products.

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Coffee Beans

September 05, 2014

Brazil companies explore Canadian tech ecosystem through new CDMN program

As part of the Canadian Digital Media Network’s new Brazil-Canada Bi-Lateral Exchange program, three Brazilian technology companies visited the Communitech Hub in Waterloo Region last month to explore the ecosystem in hopes of expanding into the Canadian market.

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Windmills on a cloudy day

August 25, 2014

How energy and tech can work together – and why they must start now

Over the last few years, the energy sector has been the driving force behind the Canadian economy. Meanwhile, the high-tech sector has seen some of its brightest stars fade, even as startup activity has skyrocketed.

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Indian boat yard

August 06, 2014

CTA@India Call for Applications

Expanding in India is no more a challenge for Canadian entrepreneurs! The Trade Commissioner Service in India brings you the Canadian Technology Accelerator in India or “CTA@India”: a unique opportunity to help Canadian companies leverage the India advantage for your international growth.

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