Please note the changes to the programme:

  • Recruitment is focused on revenue generating early-stage companies, the profile of which has a maximum of 20 employees and a leadership that is growing their 2nd or 3rd company
  • The focus is Digital Media/Technology, Media and Telecommunication (TMT): Ad Tech, Fin Tech, Big Data Analytics, Software-as-a-Service, e-commerce, and online content production
  • The CTA@NYC is now a 4 month program with 3 cohorts per year (instead of a 3-month program) which will allow additional time for Trade Commissioners to work individually with each CTA participants
  • Programming for the CTA@NYC will be tailored to individual entrepreneurs, with more targeted one-on-one mentoring opportunities facilitated by Private Sector Industry Experts
  • Each cohort will begin with a three day Orientation Program, have Monthly Reporting Sessions and end with a Graduation/Exit Program
Why apply?Selected companies spend four months in NYC and receive:

  • A professional introduction to the New York market and players during our Orientation program;
  • One-on-one mentoring with private sector experts with more than twenty years of international investment, startup, and sales growth experience;
  • Access to a structured program with VC-style governance, which has accelerated companies’ revenue growth in cohorts past;
  • Access to the CTA rolodex, for those who qualify;
  • Four-month membership at Grind, a local co-working facility.

Who should apply?

Digital media companies (Ad Tech, Fintech, Big Data, Software-as-a-Service, e-commerce, and Digital Content Production) that:

  • are revenue-positive
  • have fully-built and validated product
  • are prepared to prospect and close deals in NYC
  • are in a financial position to sustain 4 months of business development in NYC

What we expect of your participation:

If selected and in order to maintain the rigour and success of this initiative, we expect you will have at least one senior level executive (preferably CEO, CTO or VP of Business  Development) full-time in NYC during the four months and that you will have developed an execution plan and a clear set of Key Performance Indicators.


Learn more & apply