Nineteen tech hubs. Two days of meetings. One common goal.

During the week of April 29, 2024, members of Canada’s Tech Network (CTN), along with Technology Councils of North America (TECNA), visited Ottawa to discuss and explore opportunities that could help unlock the full potential of startups and scaling technology businesses to help improve Canadian productivity.

Launched in 2009, CTN supports tech-based businesses and helps them grow by connecting them quickly with the resources they need. The network now includes 28 regional hubs that span communities from Victoria to St. John’s and the Yukon.

Collectively, CTN members helped 6,871 startups and 929 scaling firms last year; they also worked with 505 enterprise-level corporations. Client companies of network hubs have created more than 100,000 new jobs and raised over $20 billion in capital since CTN was launched.

More than 20 tech hub leaders from across the country converged in the national capital to meet with government ministers, shadow ministers, members of parliament, and senior officials with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, and regional economic development agencies.

CTN’s focus in Ottawa was on the following factors that impact the success of Canadian startups:

  • Boosting access to capital to increase new business creation and the success of emerging companies
  • Developing and attracting highly-skilled workers in tech to bolster diversity and the growth of the sector
  • Creating pathways to international markets

We wanted to connect with important decision-makers and share ideas for boosting Canada's innovation economy. Our goal was to present solutions that could help businesses and the country thrive by embracing new technologies and creative approaches to growth.

Tech firms contribute significantly to the digital transformation of the economy and key industries, such as health care, transportation and manufacturing. Small and medium-sized tech firms are especially essential in strengthening supply chains, particularly in fields like AI, robotics and wireless tech. Drawing from our extensive experience with tech firms, we at CTN recognize their immense ability to boost the Canadian economy, provided they have access to necessary resources like skilled labour, investment and market opportunities.

To learn more about Canada’s Tech Network, visit