
Canadian Digital Media trends: the energy edition

By the numbers

September 2014


Canadian energy exports exceed $3 Billion annually

 Canada's Top 100 Oil & Gas companies had revenues of $190B and capital expenditures of $55B in 2012.

$347 Billion expected investments from 2011–2030 to modernize Canadian electrical infrastructure, creating approximately 156,000 jobs annually.

World requires 1.5xs more energy by 2035. The global population is expected to reach 8.5 billion people by 2035. With current technology and energy use patterns, the world will require 1.5 times the energy used in 2010.


Canada's energy industry spent $850M on R&D in 2012.

22% annual lost revenue due to antiquated data management.

29% of middle managers in the energy industry get the training needed to use analytics effectively in day-to-day decision making.

Mobilizing digital content

Largest energy company challenges
43% Software and applications investment
60% Outcomes from data
63% Data integration
54% Data collection
34% Talent acquisition
49% Data interpretation and approach
49% Identifying insights from data

21% of oil and gas companies with annual revenues over $100 million monitor and analyze their data while operating.

20% Canadian businesses have a well-defined data management strategy.

75% of companies use offline tools like spreadsheets to analyze gathered data.

How Canadian energy firms are using data processing
58% Operating efficiency
25% Strategy decision making
20% Customer service
15% Regulatory compliance

Access to talent

14,915 total Canada Wide location of database analysts & administrators.

Over 20% of North America's petrotechnical professionals are under the age of 30 and operate in a sector that will increasingly use digital technology.  15% over 55 years old are nearing retirement.

Canada's energy industry employs 2,349 personnel dedicated to R&D.

Canada 3.0 2014
Building the technology supply chain for the energy industry
October 28–30
BMO Centre in Calgary

For more information on the key trends impacting Canada's digital media economy visit:

Canadian Digital Media Network
Government of Canada