The Canadian Digital Media Network (CDMN) has accepted 19 companies into the summer 2017 cohort of the Soft Landing program.

The program helps mature startups and small- to medium-size enterprises (SMEs) from across Canada to grow their businesses through new revenues or investments in foreign markets. Program participants receive access to office space for up to three months in their desired destination, plus up to $4,000CAD to cover travel and accommodation expenses.

Companies landing in the summer 2017 cohort are (destination in brackets):

Adrenalease Inc. (Stockholm; Istanbul); Dapasoft Inc (Dublin); EZ-Robot Inc. (Silicon Valley); Gamelynx Inc. (Mountain View); Lumotune Inc. (San Francisco); Peekapak Inc. (Denver); Repable Inc. (Los Angeles); SSIMWave (Los Angeles; Denver; Philadelphia); ThinkData Works Inc. (New York City); 2020 Armor (Seoul); Agents of Discovery Inc. (Palo Alto); Agri-Neo Inc. (California; New Jersey); Envio Systems (Berlin; Cologne); Immune Biosolutions Inc. (Boston); Intellizence Inc. (Silicon Valley; Bangalore; Chennai); Knomos (New York City; Seattle); Opalux Incorporated (London; Washington); Skkynet (Worcestershire; Esslingen; Bern); and StandardFusion (Los Angeles; San Francisco).

Since 2012, CDMN has facilitated 462 landings to help Canadian tech companies expand internationally through this program, resulting in more than $52.5 million in new revenue and more than $51.3 million in investment opportunities.